unbilled, credit card error, can't process credit card
I have an order that is in the 'unbilled' status. In the Credit Card Terminal it says: An error occurred during processing. Please try again. I've tried several times and still no change. What should I try next?
At the bottom of the virtual terminal in which you can see the error, there is a tip: "Additional information on any transaction in this table can be found in your Virtual Terminal provided by Authorize.Net. Please consult the Virtual Terminal if you believe that a transaction requires further investigation."
What that means is that you will have to log directly into your authorize.net account to get some more information about why this transaction is not working. (this isn't a problem with Nexternal or the software, it has something to do with the credit card).
Once you have that information you will probably know what to do, but if not you can discuss what the information means with someone at authorize.net.