How do I set up my CNAME and Domain Alias with GoDaddy to work with the Nexternal system?
GoDaddy Instructions - Login to your GoDaddy account and click on Domain Manager > Click on the Domain Name you want to set up the CNAME for > Click on Total DNS Control > Under CNAMES (Aliases) click Add New CNAME Record > Where it says "Enter an Alias Name" put in the alias you want to use (ex. “store” or “shop”). > Where is says "Points to Host Name" put in > Hit OK.
Nexternal Instructions - Login to the Nexternal Order Management System and go to Settings/Site Options/Domain Alias/Choose Use Alias and enter the CNAME/Alias you created in GoDaddy (ex. or Hit Finish.
If you get “The domain you entered does not resolve to” error, then you may need to try again in a few hours as you alias can take up to 24 hours to propagate.
***Go Daddy instructions were last updated 1/5/2010***